- Familiar smartphone operation
- Item loan and return at the shelf
- Account management anywhere, anytime
- Compatible with your LMS
- Alternative to self-service – ideal at peak times

Library Experience 4.0
Always connected
Libraries provide relevant media literacy in our digitised and interconnected society. It's high time to elevate the user experience to the next level within the library. An app is just key.
Everywhere and anytime, quickly and discreetly
Mobile keeps your community connected with you around the clock. You couldn't meet current demands for intuitive design, advanced operation, and communication any better.
And with Hublet tablets, which your users can borrow themselves in the library, you significantly contribute to digital inclusion.
Always connected
Nex.App | My Library App
Found a favorite book, a much-loved music CD while browsing the retail shelves? Simply use your phone and borrow it from your library with two clicks using the Nex.App. Finished! Returning the item is just as easy. Information about events and news are provided at a glance. Twitter is also integrated. This is what our smartphone society wants. But the app can do even more: digital and physical stock are listed in an overview and are available for download for iOS and Android users.
Of course, it can send push notifications for due dates, has a digital library card, stores reservations and is ideal for families as all accounts can be managed in one app.
And watch out! With the Nex.app, ISBN numbers can be scanned to find out whether the bestseller that has just been published is already available in the library and can be reserved immediately.

The Nex.App
specific to your library
Your ideas set the standard, because you determine the name of the app and the design. The app clearly bears the library's logo. In this way, your app will be found immediately in the store.
Users can define screen views according to their own preferences in order to prioritise services and content individually. Intuitive operation ensures a contemporary digital experience.
Of course, the app is available in more than 30 languages and also works for left-handed fonts.

- Analogue + digital media in one joint overview
- Third-party eContent can be integrated
- For all iOS and Android phones + tablets
- Always informed: News, events and social media
- Book rooms and events
- All family accounts at a glance
Browse with Hublet at your favourite place
Digital inclusion
Scan the library card, take the tablet out of the dock and off you go. For hours, you can browse eBooks or eMagazines, stream movies, surf the Internet or play games at your favourite place. Digital content for everyone! A huge variety of different apps from the Google Play Store offer a wide selection of education and fun according to the needs of your community and your eContent offerings.
User profiles can be defined in advance for children, adults or entire groups, depending on specific target group and use. The usage history is deleted in accordance with data protection regulations when the tablet is returned to the dock, where it is safely stored and recharged for the next visitor.
- eBooks, eAudio, eMagazines, movie streaming, gaming
- Familiar, accessible operation on Android tablets
- Handy, robust design
- Convenient alternative to PC workstations
- Data protection compliant
- Lending with library card, QR code or PIN

Everybody's happy
Intuitive self-service
You no longer need to hand out tablets at the counter, and it’s ‚goodbye‘ to manual software updates!
The Hublet Manager allows you to centrally manage all devices and configure specific app views: suitable for children, adults, school classes or e-learning groups. The home screen offers a clear overview of library news, popular apps and various content categories with even more apps. The integration into the library system and your WiFi enables a secure and efficient workflow. The robust cover perfectly protects the tablets from any damage.
Did you know that Hublet tablets can even be borrowed for home use? Just like a regular book: simply authorize certain devices for use on a private Wi-Fi network in advance.

- Minimum space requirement: standalone model or wall mounting
- With 3 or 6 tablets
- Automatic: battery charging and app updates
- Integration with library WiFi: theft-proof
- Central management + cloud-based content
- Hygienic thanks to Fotonit coating
- Hublet One provides take home option

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