Nexbib spreads its wings to the North American market

Nexbib, a leading provider of cutting-edge library technology solutions, is thrilled to announce the appointment of Scott Hackstadt as President of North America, effective February 1, 2024. This marks Nexbib's expansion into new markets, with a commitment to serving the library industry in the USA and Canada.


Scott brings over twenty years of invaluable experience in the library sector, including the development of patented RFID and automation products. In addition to his role as a CTO in technology leadership, he has demonstrated success in managing sales teams and implementing digital solutions selling strategies.

Expressing his enthusiasm for joining Nexbib, Scott states, “Working with Nexbib is an exciting opportunity. Observing their success in other countries, I am confident that we can introduce the same reliable and sustainable solutions to North America. Partnering with Nexbib will enable us to respond swiftly to the rapidly changing needs of libraries, allowing for flexibility in pursuing innovative products and partnerships tailored to the North American market.”

Sven Carlson, Managing Director International at Nexbib, highlights Scott’s pivotal role in shaping a dedicated strategy for the American market, saying, “His wealth of technological and strategic business expertise, coupled with his steadfast commitment to the library community, distinguishes him as a passionate and results-driven professional.”

"We are delighted to welcome Scott to our international team and continue the valuable teamwork demonstrated in various successful projects. We look forward to the new insights and creative concepts he will contribute. With this background, we are confident in becoming a trusted partner for American libraries, offering a sustainable, advanced portfolio that meets the diverse needs of their communities," adds Sven Mønsted Hilm, Managing Director at Nexbib Denmark.

Reach out to Scott at | Phone +1 (805) 270-3222

Om Nexbib

Nexbib er leverandør af fremtidssikrede RFID-løsninger til biblioteker af alle typer og størrelser. Virksomheden udvikler dynamiske bibliotekskoncepter baseret på moderne digitale strategier og fleksibel teknologi, der kan udvides modulært. Sammen med bibliotekerne sætter Nexbib brugernes behov i første række. Nexbibs løsninger imødekommer ikke kun det moderne smartphonesamfunds vaner, men er også fokuseret på den næste generations behov. Derfor er bæredygtighed og 2030-dagsordenen højt prioriteret.
Kontinuerlig udveksling og et partnerskab med biblioteker former innovationer på en praktisk måde. Den omfattende portefølje muliggør moderne selvbetjening til udlån, aflevering, sikkerhed og materialehåndtering. Åbne bibliotekskoncepter giver den tidsfleksibilitet, der forventes i dag, og styrker bibliotekernes position som attraktive tredje steder.


Birgit Lindl
Kommunikation og Marketing
Tlf. +49 7121 15 998 65

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