Most Innovative Apprenticeship 2023 Award goes to Nexbib

Nexbib has been awarded the premium title of Most Innovative Apprenticeship 2023 by renowned Danish Zealand Business College (ZBC). Every year, students have the opportunity to nominate companies for the competition that highly value innovation in product development, process management and teamwork, and actively implement these values into their daily operations.

Jonas Offersen, Software Developer at Nexbib and student at ZBC, said: "I always find the collaboration in the Nexbib team very inspiring. Everyone here is open and enthusiastic about new processes and ideas. This is enriching and goes hand in hand with a high level of personal appreciation. I think that's fantastic."

"Innovation characterises our thinking, our way of working and our product developments. Promoting meaningful conversations at equal levels, teamwork and participation are firmly anchored in our Europe-wide corporate culture. We are therefore very proud that our company philosophy has been recognised with this award," says Sven Hilm, Managing Director Nexbib Denmark. Frederik Nilsson, Global Supply Chain Manager at Nexbib explains. "Jonas has given our software programming and IT data management a new, visionary impetus. We appreciate Jonas’ inspiring agility, and we are very thankful that he nominated Nexbib for this award."

This year, a total of 95 companies were nominated to win this title. Nexbib emerged as the clear winner. Frederik Nilsson and Jonas Offersen happily accepted the prize at the Award Show in Roskilde.

About the Zealand Business College

ZBC is Denmark's largest and most important school for technical professions of international importance. Over 6,000 students are enrolled at ten locations.

Learn more at Zealand Business College.

Om Nexbib

Nexbib er leverandør af fremtidssikrede RFID-løsninger til biblioteker af alle typer og størrelser. Virksomheden udvikler dynamiske bibliotekskoncepter baseret på moderne digitale strategier og fleksibel teknologi, der kan udvides modulært. Sammen med bibliotekerne sætter Nexbib brugernes behov i første række. Nexbibs løsninger imødekommer ikke kun det moderne smartphonesamfunds vaner, men er også fokuseret på den næste generations behov. Derfor er bæredygtighed og 2030-dagsordenen højt prioriteret.
Kontinuerlig udveksling og et partnerskab med biblioteker former innovationer på en praktisk måde. Den omfattende portefølje muliggør moderne selvbetjening til udlån, aflevering, sikkerhed og materialehåndtering. Åbne bibliotekskoncepter giver den tidsfleksibilitet, der forventes i dag, og styrker bibliotekernes position som attraktive tredje steder.


Birgit Lindl
Kommunikation og Marketing
Tlf. +49 7121 15 998 65

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