Engaging with the Community: GGG Public Library Basel Shines with Nex.App

Since April 2024, the community in Basel has been able to access the GGG Public Library's catalog through the Nexbib library app on their smartphones or tablets. The app allows users to reserve, renew, and manage their accounts, making the process faster and more convenient, anytime and anywhere. Borrowing, returning, and more can also be done seamlessly via the Nex.App.

Nearly 4,100 users in Basel have already downloaded the app on their digital devices (iOS/Android). “Compared to another digital platform in our offerings that only provides e-media, we have nearly 1,000 more downloads in just a few months. We are very pleased,” explains Marianne Knechtl, Head of the Digital Library and Project Coordinator at the GGG Public Library Basel. The app has also seen 61,500 accesses, highlighting its popularity.

“The range of modern functionalities in the Nex.App and its high level of customization impressed us. The screen design, branding, and usability of the app meet our expectations for contemporary services and provide a clearly structured presentation of our digital and analog collections across all branches. This aligns with our vision of a collaborative network,” adds Marianne Knechtl.

Flexible Self-Service in Pop-up Libraries

But the app offers even more: with RFID technology, physical items can be borrowed directly from the shelf using a personal smartphone. This is particularly advantageous in the three independent pop-up libraries, where the app facilitates borrowing. “Our media offerings in the city theater, a café, and a food court are extremely popular. It would be a shame if users could only read the books on-site. With the app, media can be borrowed and taken away in seconds,” explains Marianne Knechtl. “This service, independent of the library building, allows us to attract new customers and increase our visibility.”

Reaching More People

The app is easily accessible under the name and logo of the GGG Public Library Basel in all major app stores. This helps expand the library user base. Even those without a library membership can browse the catalog for interesting titles. Users can scan the ISBN code of books to check their availability in the city library, regardless of their location.

The Swiss library is responding to the growing importance of apps in our society with the Nex.App. “With an app, we connect even better with people and their needs. It is important for us to offer our customers forward-thinking services. We are always open to new technologies and look forward to digital advancements,” emphasizes Marianne Knechtl.

Beneficial for All

“Families appreciate that each child can independently maintain their account, while parents keep track of due dates and fees. The library card is also available digitally on the app, ready for spontaneous visits,” comments the project coordinator. Media can be conveniently ordered via the app for pick-up at any of the ten locations or even delivered to their homes. Returns can be made at any branch or one of the four return boxes, and the app visualizes the shortest route on a map.


Photos © GGG Public Library Basel

About GGG Public Library Basel

The GGG Public Library Basel network includes the main library Schmiedenhof, nine branches, four school libraries, and three pop-up libraries. A total of around 300,000 media items are available. In 2023, nearly 760,000 visitors and more than 36,000 active members were recorded.  

For more information, visit GGG Public Library Basel.

Om Nexbib

Nexbib er leverandør af fremtidssikrede RFID-løsninger til biblioteker af alle typer og størrelser. Virksomheden udvikler dynamiske bibliotekskoncepter baseret på moderne digitale strategier og fleksibel teknologi, der kan udvides modulært. Sammen med bibliotekerne sætter Nexbib brugernes behov i første række. Nexbibs løsninger imødekommer ikke kun det moderne smartphonesamfunds vaner, men er også fokuseret på den næste generations behov. Derfor er bæredygtighed og 2030-dagsordenen højt prioriteret.
Kontinuerlig udveksling og et partnerskab med biblioteker former innovationer på en praktisk måde. Den omfattende portefølje muliggør moderne selvbetjening til udlån, aflevering, sikkerhed og materialehåndtering. Åbne bibliotekskoncepter giver den tidsfleksibilitet, der forventes i dag, og styrker bibliotekernes position som attraktive tredje steder.


Birgit Lindl
Kommunikation og Marketing
Tlf. +49 7121 15 998 65

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