Automatically charged: self-service laptops 365 days a year

Making laptops and tablets available to everyone in the community is an equitable offer and closes the technology gap. At the same time, mobile working with borrowed devices creates additional workplaces in the library, as users and students are not only dependent on the fixed PC workplaces. With the Nex.Locker LapSafe, Nexbib presents a new flexible self-service cabinet for laptop lending, which has been successful for both public and academic libraries.

"Automating the lending, return and charging of laptops; Chromebooks or tablets and making them available in a secure self-service cabinet represents an enormous reduction in workload. Service counters are relieved to enhance one-to-one time with customers, device management is accelerated, waiting times are avoided. The technology and handling are so simple and secure that even a 24/7 service is conceivable," says Simon Peacock of Nexbib. The demand seems to be high, so charging the batteries has to be quick: Simon adds: "At the University Library of Sussex, the 24 laptops available in a locker are borrowed 400 times in a week. That's 1,600 loans a month."

Flexible and modular design

Laptops, Chromebooks and tablets can be loaded individually or together in one compartment. Of course, the device with the best battery status is always issued.

The colour scheme and case design can be customised. The capacity of the cabinet can also be defined according to requirements due to its modular design. The identification of users works with barcode, RFID, magnetic or Mifare library cards. Even biometric authentication with fingerprints is possible. Thanks to the integration into the library system, user accounts are updated immediately.

Contemporary user experience

Simply select the desired device on the touchscreen, identify it with the library card and the touchscreen will point to the shelf with the best-loaded device and inform you about the maximum loan period. Scanning the library card again finally opens the locker. Returning the device is correspondingly quick and easy. As soon as the device is connected to the charging cable in the compartment, the library account is credited.

Countless benefits for the library

The relief for the team is immediately apparent: the entire handling, monitoring, and charging of the digital devices is automated and thus more efficient in every respect. Energy-consciously, the charging of the battery is automatically stopped when it is full. If necessary, certain compartments can also be offered empty to allow the community to safely charge their own devices.

Mobile working makes it easier to work in groups. Rigid PC workstations can be dissolved in order to offer more flexible working options. This makes library spaces changeable and more usable. The Nex.Locker LapSafe requires minimal space and can be placed anywhere: in the foyer, entrance area or corridors.

Om Nexbib

Nexbib er leverandør af fremtidssikrede RFID-løsninger til biblioteker af alle typer og størrelser. Virksomheden udvikler dynamiske bibliotekskoncepter baseret på moderne digitale strategier og fleksibel teknologi, der kan udvides modulært. Sammen med bibliotekerne sætter Nexbib brugernes behov i første række. Nexbibs løsninger imødekommer ikke kun det moderne smartphonesamfunds vaner, men er også fokuseret på den næste generations behov. Derfor er bæredygtighed og 2030-dagsordenen højt prioriteret.
Kontinuerlig udveksling og et partnerskab med biblioteker former innovationer på en praktisk måde. Den omfattende portefølje muliggør moderne selvbetjening til udlån, aflevering, sikkerhed og materialehåndtering. Åbne bibliotekskoncepter giver den tidsfleksibilitet, der forventes i dag, og styrker bibliotekernes position som attraktive tredje steder.


Birgit Lindl
Kommunikation og Marketing
Tlf. +49 7121 15 998 65

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